Innov’Consulting, Percall Group & Ubleam
Samuel Boury, CEO / Co-founder of Ubleam: «Thanks to Percall Group and in particular David Rolland in charge of the "Transformation 4.0" offers, Ubleam was able to find industrial application needs for its solution with a recognized player in the maintenance engineering. We are now considering a massive deployment of it on their client portfolio»
Innov’Consulting, discover offer
With the Innov'Consulting department, Percall Group has developed a series of packaged offers to support its customers in their digital transformation process. The Discover offer always starts with an inventory of the main processes and information systems deployed in order to establish where we are starting from and where we want to go.
Nowadays energy is a challenge that requires constant attention, and the industrial sector is at the forefront of this battle. In France in 2020, the gross energy consumption of industry, excluding fuels, amounted to 32.2 million tons of oil equivalent (INSEE, Insee Première no. 1887, January 2022).
Innov’Consulting is a strong Partner for major industries, all over the world, to accelerate the transformation to the Industry 4.0, to maximize the value of all the data and to introduce companies to innovation for efficiency of their staff and employees.
Digital Transformation Warm-Up
Digital Transformation – Percall Group has all the necessary expertise to support your digital transformation projects. The objective is to help you reach each milestone in the deployment of your future digital implementation project
Digital Transformation – The Percall Group Value Proposition - The Percall Group teams have defined a portfolio of activities and expertise to support the industrial sector in its digital transformation, according to an "end-to-end" approach.